Media's Vital Role in Peace Building Acknowledged at Kaduna Stakeholders Meeting

Media's Vital Role in Peace Building Acknowledged at Kaduna Stakeholders Meeting

By Abdullahi Alhassan, Kaduna

Network of Peace Journalists Commends Kaduna Stakeholder Meeting for Promoting Peace and Inclusivity.

Mr. Ibrahima Yakubu,the National President of the Nigeria Network of Peace Journalists (NNPJ),expressed his appreciation during a one-day stakeholders workshop. 

He highlighted the pivotal role of the media in peace-building, de-escalating conflicts,and mitigating crises in the state.

"This workshop, jointly organized by the Kaduna State Ministry of Human Services and Social Development, the Kaduna State Peace Commission, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and UN Women, has made significant strides in engaging youth and women across various communities. "Its primary goal is to promote peace-building, interreligious tolerance, and various methods for advocating peace and unity across all 23 local governments in the state.

The President also emphasized the significant contributions of women and youth in conflict prevention and peace support. To ensure their continued efforts, it is imperative that we create free, safe, and enabling civic spaces where they can freely exercise their rights to freedom of opinion and expression.

He further stressed the need for a human rights-based approach to conflict prevention and social cohesion, one that prioritizes and safeguards the human rights of women and young people. In order to achieve sustainable peace, it is essential to involve women and young people as integral parts of the solution.

Mr, Yakubu how is  also a Media expert, pointed out that the Network of Peace Journalists' significant benefits from the UNDP project on early warning and early response, which aids media authorities in addressing crises in the state. "The media plays a critical role in the UNDP and Kaduna State Peace Commission's project for sustainable peace development in the state.

"Over 50 journalists from the three Kaduna senatorial zones have benefited from the UNDP and Kaduna Peace Commission training on early warning and early response reporting systems in the state," he revealed.

The National President concluded by emphasizing the media's role in promoting peace and cohesion by offering a platform for diverse voices and perspectives. In societies where competing narratives and conflicting views often prevail, the media's ability to amplify diverse voices fosters greater understanding and empathy among different groups.

He extended his gratitude to all the organizers of the one-day event and called upon other NGOs to consistently engage the media in their activities, as this can be a powerful tool for promoting peace and unity not only in Kaduna but also in neighboring states and county at a large.

Also speaking at the one day training session,a Consultant with United Nations Dr,Ma'aji Peterx said "Today we have the highest Youth population in Human History 1.8 Billion people are between 10 – 24 years of age ,Over 600 Million live in conflict zones,Youths are not involved in Peace and Security Conversation 9thDecember, 2015 the United Nations unanimously adopted the Resolution on Youth Peace and Security UNSCR 2250.

"The first International Instrument to comprehensively cover issues of Youths 

in Peace and Security Youths not just Victims and Perpetrators but also Actors for Development and Positive Change.

He maintained that"Education stands out as a vital tool to enhance the employability of young people,to promote their political engagement, and to support youth entrepreneurship.

"There is need to increase the political, financial,technical and logistical support from UN Agencies,Regional and International Organizations for work with Young Peace builders.

He charged Development partners to strategies developmental  programs to disconnect young men and women from involvement in armed conflict and reintegrate them.

Earlier in her welcome address Commissioner of Ministry of Human Services and Social Development, Mrs, Rabi Salisu, "I, want to appreciate the support by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Women (UN Women), Peace Building Fund (PBF)and Kaduna State Peace Commission (KSPC) for making the development of Kaduna State Action Plan on Youth, Peace and Security (KAD-SAP/YPS) a success,which is intended towards youth inclusivepeace processes. 

"This would secure our commitments towards advancing gender responsive operationalized of KAD-SAP/YPS. Also this is a showcase of government political will, strengthen commitment towards including young people in peace processes with particular focus on young women too as peace builders.

Mrs Rabi Salisu added that "Young people’s role in peace building and security has been understudied,not much people understood the challenges faced by young people largely stereotyped as either ‘’victims’’ or ‘’perpetrators’, of insecurity or violence’’.

"The young people have essential roles to play in peace and security and needs to be increasingly recognized in addition be involved for action in terms of the five (5) pillars of Resolution 2250 identified as:  Participation, Protection, Prevention, Partnership And Disengagement/ Reintegration.she concluded.

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