Parents urges to present their Children for Polio immunization

Parents urge to avails their Children for Polio immunization

By Abdullahi Alhassan, Kaduna

Parents and caregivers have been charged to ensure they make their children less than 5 years of age available for immunization as Kaduna State Government in collaboration with development partners commences another round of polio immunization campaign.

The exercise is scheduled for 18-21 Nov 2023 and would be conducted by vaccinators during house-to-house visit and immunization on the streets, worships centres, markets, motor parks among others.

This was disclosed in a joint Presss statement issued by Kaduna State Primary Health Care Development Board and Journalists Initiative on Immunization Against Polio (JAP).

The statement advised that immunization would protect children as such parents should try and ensure they allow the vaccinators to attend to their wards.

The statement further explained that all adequate arrangements have been made for the smooth conduct of exercise by the State Government, Development Partners and key stakeholders.

The stakeholders commended the Traditional Rulers and Religion Leaders for their continued efforts for the success of all campaigns implemented in the state.

The statement then appealed to the ad-hoc staff engaged for the conduct of Polio immunization to ensure all eligible children are reached for the success of the exercise.

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