Zulum establishes a committee to address farmer-herder conflict


Borno State Governor, Babagana Umara Zulum, has inaugurated three committees, including one to investigate the causes of farmer-herder conflicts, the Bama Phase II reconstruction committee, and the streetlight maintenance and installation committee.

During the inauguration at the Government House in Maiduguri, Zulum specified that the conflict investigation committee should finish its task within two months, while the other two committees will operate until objectives are met.

Zulum stressed that the farmer-herder conflict committee must not only identify causes but also recommend preventive measures. Additionally, the committee, led by Tijjani Goni Modu, will document grazing reserves in Borno State.

For the Bama Phase II reconstruction, Zulum instructed the committee to identify IDPs willing to return and resettle them in Bama town, Kumshe, Darajamal, and Tarmuwa. The governor highlighted the priority of reconstructing border LGAs for the return of displaced Nigerians.

The Bama reconstruction committee, headed by Commissioner Lawan Abba Wakilbe, consists of eight members. The streetlight committee, chaired by Commissioner Babagana Mustapha Mallumbe, aims to maintain and convert streetlights to solar power for cost reduction.

Representing the committees, Lawan Abba Wakilbe thanked the governor, expressing commitment to fulfilling their tasks and delivering results on time.

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