Zulum: Borno partners FG on leather production

Borno State Governor, Babagana Umara Zulum, revealed plans to collaborate with the Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (NILEST) in Samaru, Zaria, to enhance leather technology and production in the state. The announcement came during a courtesy visit by a delegation from NILEST, led by its Director General/CEO, Professor Mohammed Kabir Yakubu, at the Government House in Maiduguri.

Zulum emphasized the partnership's goal of creating employment opportunities through vocational technology and contributing to the region's economic development. He expressed particular interest in leveraging technical and vocational education for wealth creation.

The governor directed the Ministry of Education to compile the names of 54 youths (2 from each of the 27 local governments) for intensive training in leather technology and production. However, he lamented the lack of awareness about the activities of NILEST's Maiduguri centre within the state government.

Acknowledging the governor's leadership, Professor Yakubu commended Zulum for prioritizing the well-being of the people of Borno. He assured Zulum of NILEST's commitment to partnering with the state government and revitalizing leather production.

Providing historical context, Professor Yakubu mentioned that NILEST was established in 1964 as a hide and skin demonstration training project following a call by the then Northern Region Government. The Maiduguri centre, where the collaboration will focus, was established in 1972.

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